22 de dez. de 2014

Os melhores de 2014 - Marcos Garcia (nacionais)

Tellus Terror - EZ Life DV8
Unearthly - The Unearthly
Dynahead - Chordata II
Zaltana - Zaltana
Pop Javali - The Game of Fate
Hate Embrace - Sertão Saga
In Soulitary - Confinement
Patria - Individualism
Voodoopriest - Mandu
Slasher - Katharsis
Mutran - A Life Preview
Liar Symphony - Before the End
Nervochaos - The Art of Vengeance
Lords of Aesir - Dream For Eternity... 
Nervosa - Victim of Yourself
Torture Squad - Esquadrão de Tortura
Dancing Flame - Carnival of Flames
Unmasked Brains - Machina 
Sixty Nine Crash - Louder!
Noturnall - Noturnall

DVD: Andralls - 15 Years Breaknecking - Live in Belem, Woslom - DestrucTVision

Show: X-Rated, Stress e Metalmorphose (RJ)

Entrevista: Zombie Cookbook (Hell Divine)

Vocalista: Eregion (Unearthly), Felipe Borges (Tellus Terror), Marcelo Frizzo (Pop Javali), Mischa Marmede (Zaltana)

Guitarrista: Vinny Tyr (Unearthly) Alvaro Faria (Tellus Terror), Mantus (Patria), Dann Feltrin e Hilton Torres (Zaltana)

Baixista: Diego Teixeira (Dynahead), Marcelo Frizzo (Pop Javali), Felipe Freitas (Nervochaos)

Baterista: B. Drumond (Unearhly), Fred Colaço (Dynahead), Waldemar Rasmussen (Pop Javali), Ricardo Necrogod (Hate Embrace)

Tecladista: André Bortolai (In Soulitary), Tamyris Daksha (Hate Embrace)

Revelação: Zaltana, In Soulitary, Mutran

Decepção: a morte de Paulo Schroeber, os casts de festivais refletindo o divisionismo do Metal, e fofocas idealismos se tornando regras na cena nacional.

Os melhores de 2014 - Marcos Garcia (internacionais)

Behemoth - The Satanist
Suicidal Angels - Divide and Conquer
Sabaton - Heroes
Hammerfall - (r)Evolution
Mastodon - Once More 'round the Sun
Immortal Guardian - The Revolution Part I
Andsolis - Vigil
Hatriot - Dawn of the New Centurion
Iced Earth - Plagues of Babylon
Artillery - Legions
Bjarm - Imminence
In Flames - Siren Charms
Edguy - Space Police: Defenders of the Crown
Overkill - White Devil Armory
Warfather - Orchestrating the Apocalypse
The Haunted - Exit Wounds
Scar for Life - Worlds Entwined
Machine Head - Bloodstones and Diamonds
Joe Bonamassa - Different Shades of Blue
Sanctuary - The Year the Sun Died

DVD: Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - Live in Amsterdan

Show: Rotting Christ (RJ), Hypocrisy (RJ), Behemoth (SP), Picture e Grim Reaper (RJ)

Entrevista: Sabaton (Hell Divine)

Vocalista: Carlos Zema (Immortal Guardian), Joakim Brodén (Sabaton), Steve "Zetro" Souza (Exodus)

Guitarrista: Nergal (Behemoth), Gary Holt (Exodus)

Baixista: Troy Sanders (Mastodon)

Baterista: Inferno (Behemoth)

Tecladista: Anastasiya Angie (Bjarm)

Revelação: Star Insight, Andsolis, Bjarm

Decepção: Em termos internacionais, nenhuma relevante